The AD crew (Tash, Steph, Myself) hit the road early on the morning of March 19th to have an awesome weekend at Wentworth. We get to Enfield, when Natasha realizes she left a whole bag of stuff at home... so we turn around and head back to Dartmouth to grab it. Sooner then you can imagine we're back on the road and already passing Enfield again... c'mon Wentworth!
We get to Wentworth and put on all of our gear, I'm rocking one of Natasha's jackets because I thought it would be a good idea to just not bring one.... typical Sarah decision right there. We hike up the park to talk to Rob (the owner of Entity) because he's hosting Park Rats an all guys competition that day. We're going to help him tear down at 2pm, so we hit the slopes in the meantime! I end up doing one run and feeling horrible, so I go inside. I end up passing out in the lodge for the day, Natasha hitting me didn't even wake me up. This makes me realize I'm getting sick which I'm not too stoked about. Steph and Tash had an awesome day shredding though and before you know it we're helping tear down tents and watching the awards ceremony. We then head to the hotel we're staying at down the road and get all cozy. Once we're all changed, we head to Truro for some Swiss Chalet and Giant Tiger. Giant Tiger is the best store ever, hands down. Swiss Chalet is also pretty delicious. After our Truro adventures, we head to JP's cottage in the middle of nowhere. We go down many dirt roads and get lost because the GPS told us too. We finally arrive and are greeted by familiar faces and lots of food. Too bad we're stuffed from the Swiss Chalet ;) We hang out there for a bit and Steph goes on a 4wheeler ride. We then head to see Rob and sort out all of the prizes for Get Railed the next day! Luckily the cottage we are trying to find this time is not as difficult. We are greeted by the guys lighting off fireworks and talking about bacon. The prize sorting starts, with me in charge. For any of you who have never sorted prizes before, it is probably one of the most stressful things I have ever done! Once I got a system going it got a lot easier, but still. It stressed me out. Soon it's time to head back to the hotel and get a good nights rest. I'm pretty sure that once everyone's head hit the pillow, we were out. The morning comes, we grab our stuff and load it into the Outback. Natasha and Steph start setting up the park while I head inside to do registration. We had 10 snowboarders and 5 skiers register. Girls WHERE WERE YOU AT! And why were you not at Wentworth getting your shred on?! The clinic gets underway and we see the girls start learning some new tricks for the afternoon's contest! We see front and back 1's, some 3's, lots of different slides on the boxes from the snowboarders. On the skier side of things we see some grabs a few spins and some side slides! Lunch time is next, I of course head into Wentworth's lodge and get a panini, my favorite thing to get there. This time I got a club panini, it was pretty tasty! Competition time comes before we know it and the girls including Steph and Myself are hiking up the park with our game faces on. Everyone's riding super well and the stoke meter is bursting. The competition pushes everyone to try new tricks or lock in ones they've been working on. This is my favorite part of the day, you get to see just how much each girl has progressed! Soon the judges are telling everyone last run and everyone's scrambling to land that one last sick run that could put them in or below the top 3. The heat is on. We all meet on the deck for pizza and snacks while the prizes are getting sorted and organized. Jere's how the placings went: Intermediate Ski 1. Katelyn 2. Jessica 3. Natalie Intermediate Snowboard 1. Christina R 2. Livy F 3. Nikki M Advanced Ski 1. Amy C 2. Emma S Advanced Snowboard 1. Stephanie M 2. Sarah P 3. Dallas R Burliest Rider Brittany Davidson I'll be writing again soon to tell everyone about the last days of shredding, a few comps I was in and some stuff to look out for this summer! ☮ ♥ shred
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I arrived at Martock to be greeted by Natasha and Kita setting up the A1 tent for the event. I ran over and started helping them put it together, it was quite windy out so doing so was quite the task. Finally it was up and it was time for me to head inside, grab a Martock breakfast and start registration! The girls start rolling in super stoked for the day, before I realize it’s time to head to the park to start the beginner/intermediate clinic. We had two pretty sick lines to choose from, an urban step down tube rail to a flat pink box and an urban kink to a up down corrugated tube. Most of the morning was spent seshing the tube rail and pink box, with girls stomping some pretty sick tricks! Frontboards and boardslides on the tube rail, half cab on to switch backside 3 out on the flat box... along with some steezy presses, tweaked out nose and tail slides and one of my personal favourite tricks to do... slides with grabs :)
The game of KINKY was started with myself as the leader. I started off easy and stepped the game up pretty quick... these girls were just too good and weren’t getting and letters. I got them on a few tricks though, seeing how well they can stop the rotation of their snowboard... or seeing how low they can go to grab that board! Nikki walked away with the least amount of letters and a pair of Vans boots that were actually her size, she was super stoked! The beginner riders were next to take over the park with a half hour contest jam. Seeing how much these girls improved over the few hours riding the park always makes me grin from ear to ear. Ten year old Isabelle walked away with 1st, followed by Chantal in 2nd and Kate in 3rd. Soon it was time for me to start hiking up the hill for the intermediate/advanced jam. I love the adrenaline rush of standing at the top of the park getting ready to drop in for your first run in a contest! By this time, we had lakes forming at the bottom of the first features making it tricky to have enough speed to hit the second ones. You had to land your tricks perfectly or it wasn’t happening! The intermediate girls showed the Advanced riders what they should be watching out for next season! They KILLED it. Frontboards on the down tube and pink box, boardslides everywhere, 50-50’s through the kink... even with some 180’s out! Christina walked away with 1st, followed close behind with Livy in 2nd! Pulling up in 3rd was a new face, Mary Ann... who shredded hard all day! The famous (in my world at least) Dallas Rourke slayed the park like there was no tomorrow. Switch tricks, switch ups, frontboards, lipslides.... you name it this kid probably tried it. Who knew she could do more than just ride pipe? Her jibbing skills landed her 1st place in the Advanced category, followed by Charlotte Butcher in 2nd. I landed myself a nice 3rd place, after fighting with the puddles at the bottom of the first features to get to the second ones. The best trick contest on the pink box was probably the most fun event of the day. Everyone piled up to the drop in and threw down! Frontboard 270’s and switch back tail 270’s are just a few of the crazy tricks that everyone pulled out of their hats. Nikki walked away with the prize for her sick style! Anyway, that’s all for now folks, ☮ ♥ shred - Snakebite I'm very sorry for slacking on these blog updates... But I'm not going to lie... I'm a busy girl. I'm either running up and down the bunny hill at Martock, stirring coffees at Tim Hortons, hiking the park at Martock, off to another hill to do some sort of contest/clinic/camp or dancing to Motown music with my friends. Unfortunately these blog updates get pushed to the back of my schedule until a night like tonight where I am too overtired to sleep, have just had a SICK day of shredding, can't stop thinking about all the tricks I want to try tomorrow and just generally don't want to sleep... because I want to write to YOU of course :)
A few weekends ago (Feb 12th to be exact) Natasha and I were sent on our separate ways (oh no! what am I going to do without her?! scary!). Tash was off to Brookvale, P.E.I and I was of to Ben Eoin, Cape Breton. After some delays (I got my Dad's 4x4 truck stuck in my driveway, just don't ask... it WOULD happen to me)... I was finally on my way to the city to pick up the boys (Gabe and Luke) so we could hit the road. We had a handy dandy GPS to lead us on our way so we wouldn't get lost or anything! There's no way anything is going to go wrong...... right? So, I pick up Gabe in Halifax and off to Dartmouth we go... I throw my quarters in the bridge toll machine and start to drive away......... The gate doesn't lift. I slam on the ol' brakes, jump out and put a new quarter in (apparently I had a faulty coin, go figure) this time it accepts and we start weaving our way through Dartmouth in my Dad's extended cab GMC Sierra with the cap on back. Let's just say this trip I learnt how to use my mirrors. We finally get to Luke's, load his stuff in the truck and off to the highway we go! We're minding our business, driving through Dartmouth... when some young boy decides to walk out in front of my truck! What is he thinking really? I slam on the brakes so I don't hit the poor feller and off we go again! We didn't even make it to the highway and Luke was passed out in the backseat, the poor boy had a late night shooting with Jon Burke and Charles Stevens gaping Charles' car, so he was pretty tuckered out. Gabe puts on some jams and we start the supposed to be 5 hour drive to Sydney! We hit Antigonish and decided this is a wonderful spot to stop for supper and snacks. We arrive at Wal Mart and 45 minutes later walk out with a bunch of snacks. The boys went healthy, buying things such as muffins and juice... myself, I went for the funner things. Gummy bears, Dunkaroos, a HUGE chocolate bar, War Heads, mini eggs... I love candy. We then hit up Pizza Hut for some grub.... and two hours later we're finally on the road again. Finally the causeway is in sight and Cape Breton soil is under our feet. We take the exit we were told to by a coworker of mine... and off we go venturing into the unknowns of CB. The weather soon turns horrible.... rain, snow, wind, slow drivers... I just stick 'er in 4wd and there's no stopping us! Turns out when your GPS is telling you to make a turn..... you should really listen. If you pass that turn, I highly recommend turning around and making it happen. I however decided to keep driving. We managed to take the longest way to Sydney ever, weaving in and around the opposite side of the Bras D'or lakes in almost every weather condition possible... thank god for 4wd. Finally we arrive at the wonderful and sketchy Martin Arms (we're doing this as low budget as possible since my dads truck eats gas like I eat candy) and get ready for a night out on Sydney. We end up at a bar called Capri. Luke rolled up his pants into capris in hopes for free cover, but they shot his brilliant idea down. We immediately hit the dance floor and are having a time... until someone throws a drink in Gabe's face. Not cool, really not cool. We decided to peace out and head back to the hotel, as we have to be up early to head to the hill. Before we know it the alarm is going off and it's time to put our stuff in the truck and head to the hill. I am greeted by some friendly familiar faces and get to work getting everything organized for the clinic! The boys put the billabong rail in as I went inside for registration. Five girls registered, all of them intermediate... so I knew the day was going to be awesome! We start hiking the park, learning tricks on the flat box to start, then hiking up further to hit the oillie on features! Ben Eoin always uses their features they have the best they can, which I am super stoked about. The people you run into are also awesome, which always makes the trip up 10x better! Soon it's time for lunch and we decide to have a mini rail jam after lunch since their were no beginners registered for the afternoon clinic. This is where we saw all the girls improve the most.... we even saw a cab 270 on 270 off! Soon it's time for us to pack up the truck and head back to the mainland.... until we return in a few weeks for Snow Jam! On the P.E.I side of thjngs, Natasha led an awesome two day event! Here's what she had to say about it: Brookvale native, Lyle Robinson, had set up an amazing progressive park for the girls to play in all weekend. There were only a few that came out to learn some new skills during Saturday's clinic however Sunday's contest was full of talent and fun! The youngest female snowboarder ever to join us in the park was there today dancing and snowbaording along to the great Adrenaline Divas playlist - 3 year old Kalie Robinson! Beginner 1st - Maggie 2nd - Lindsay 3rd - Hailey * and props to all the beginner girls as this was a hard one to judge! Intermediate 1st - Katherine Best Trick - Lindsay (frontside 180 gap over the flat rail!!! WHAT!) Best Bail - Katherine after a sick FS 360 on the jump. ☮ ♥ shred - Snakebite My alarm goes off at 5am and its time for me to grab my stuff and chuck it in Shania. I hop in and head to Tim Hortons to grab some breakfast before I hit the road. Just over an hour later (after seeing a van flipped right before Bedford) I arrive at Natasha's and transfer my gear from my truck to the SUV we're taking to Crabbe.
I hop in the backseat and off we go to New Brunswick. Now this is quite the frightening drive for me, last time I went to NB I got in a pretty nasty car accident. But I put it behind me and try to sleep as much as I can on the drive up... This plan fails horribly because I am just too stoked to get to Crabbe since the only time I have been there was for Roast Beef and Rail Jam in 2009! We stop in Ormomcto for some Big Macs and soon arrive at our hotel. We quickly run inside, gear up and off to Crabbe we go for the Intermediate night clinic! We get everything set up and ready to go in the jib park, which is of Crabbes THREE parks... it had a double barrel urban down, jump, down flat down box, dance floor and a c box ! Then we go ride the hill. Crabbe is amazing, I fell in love with it. The had 3 crazy parks, which you can hit in one run... I seriously thought I died and went to heaven! The rest of the hill is pretty sick too, lots of variety in runs, trees, etc. Soon it's time to start the intermediate clinic, the girls are SENDING it and the tunes are pumpin'. Back 1s, front 1s, lots of grabs over the jump... and even some 3's! lots of boardsides and frontboards on the dance floor, along with boardslides on the c box and lipslides and boardslides on the urban down! The clinic is soon over and we remind all the girls to come back the next day for the competition! Natasha, Craig and I head back to the hill to get some shut eye because Saturday is going to be a long, fun day! Sooner then we know it, we're packing up our stuff and heading to Crabbe the next morning to get everything ready for the beginner clinic! The Crabbe park crew even took out the down flat down box and replaced it with a flat down for us over night! There was a HUGE turnout for the beginner clinic with girls of all ages and abilities! By the end of the clinic the girls are destroying the mini park (flat box, wall ride jump and a flat down) and the jib park! The morning clinic flys by! The next thing on our plate is the contest! I decided to compete and get the girls stoked on shred! Everyone KILLED it! We saw a wide variety of tricks and overall the girls improved so much in these two days it's crazy! So here's how the placings went! Beginner 1st - Lisa Mills 2nd - Megan Akkerman 3rd - Talia Richard Intermediate/Advanced 1st - Sarah Payzant 2nd - Caitlyn Cronkite 3rd - Rachel Blaquiere Best Trick - Sarah Payzant (gap to boardslide on the flat down) Sooner then we know it, we're packing up and hitting the road to get Natasha home... she's flying to Calgary the next morning at 6am!!! Stay tuned for the PEI vs Cape Breton blog update! I crawl out of bed on morning of the 22nd super stoked on the weekend that was about to go down at Martock. I throw on my gear and out the door I go to Shania the S10 (best truck ever, hands down). The short 10 minute drive to Martock from my house feels like it's taking forever... I just want to be at the hill getting everything set up for the FEAST clinics that day!
I arrive shortly after 8 and start looking for Natasha and Craig to see where I am needed. The snow is falling, its somewhere around -2 and life is awesome. I find them heading up from the lodge to Tasha's car to get everything unloaded. I quickly run to the shack and throw on my boots then we get to work setting up banners for the day! The park is looking awesome by 9am, but there's still some work left to do... Craig however takes over so Natasha can go inside and start registration and I go in and grab breakfast because I coach the Pro Girls team at 9:30 with Alexe! Pro Girls went awesome and for the last half hour we join Natasha in the park for the intermediate clinic. The park is bumpin' with Steph's awesome playlist, so I'm just dancing and having fun the whole time. With only two girls registered, they got lots of one on one time and were KILLING it by the end of the day! Working on front boards and 180 on 180 off. Soon it's lunch time, so I head up to the ol' Martock lodge and grab something to shove in my stomach. Before I know it, the beginner clinic has started and I'm running outside to meet up with Natasha and the rest of the girls! Beginners? Pfft, you wouldn't think that by the end of the day! We had the girls working on hitting the two boxes on the bunny hill park, 50-50s were on lock, boardslides, frontboards and presses were being thrown into the mix also! The beats are still going and I'm still dancing... I mean, who wants to snowboard when you can dance..... right? hahahaha The two hours fly by and soon its time for the awards!! Goggle Draw Winner: Isabelle A Sunday morning I show up at Martock with quite the limp. Stoked to compete in BUSTED! So, why might you ask was I walking with a limp? I decided to try out some parkour Saturday night in Halifax and it didn't turn out quite as well as planned...... Anyway, it didn't phase me. I was determined to ride... Martock built us a new park for the competition, with a jump a flat tube rail and a small battleship box. After a few hits on the course, I decided that I really shouldn't be competing because any impact on my foot was shooting pains up my leg (I would end up doing this to myself the night before a competition). So, I unstrap.. watch some of the competition then head home to rest. The girls destroyed the course, throwing back 3s, 180s in all 4 directions, lipslides and boardslides on the tube rail, boardslides on the battleship box... and just showing those boys who were sitting on the sidelines what girls can do! Placings: 1st Dallas Rourke 2nd Charlotte Butcher 3rd Anne Gillbert For the lowdown of the BUSTED Girls Ride Day at Martock check this out: Stay tuned for the update on our wonderful weekend at Crabbe!! ☮ ♥ shred Saturday night Steph and I show up at Tasha's (of course after using Steph's ginger senses to guide us through's better then a GPS really) to get everything ready to hit the road at 6:30 Sunday morning. We load the generator into the Subaru Outback that Steele Subaru is letting us borrow (ballin!) and head to the gas station to fill 'er up. On the way there, Steph's 22 day old Samsung Galaxy screen starts going all sort of weird colors... what a bummer. We try to take the battery out, but no luck. We fill up the generator and head back to Natasha's to find the closest Telus.
Off to Mic Mac we go, to find out that Steph's screen is somehow cracked and that's the whole issue.... as Steph tries to argue that she doesn't know how that would have happened. The Telus guy shuts her down saying its physical damage.... Damn So we head back to Tasha's with a disappointed Steph and start loading up the outback with the sound system, banners, etc for the next day. Before we know it, bedtime arrives and we hit the hay. My alarm goes off at 5:30, I hop out of bed stoked for the day ahead. We make some oatmeal for breakfast then are ready to hit the road. Little did we know, at least 5cms fell over night and it was still snowing. What a pleasant surprise to walk outside to! I get shotgun on the way there, crank the heated seat and put on some jams. Leaving Dartmouth, we notice none of the side roads are plowed, but whatever... they for sure have the highways plowed.... right? The roads are fine, then all of a sudden it looks like the plow decided to see how talented all the drivers are.... You'd be driving down one lane, it would disappear and you'd have to switch over to the other lane. The snow is still falling though, which is awesome! We finally arrive at Wentworth around 8:30 am, half an hour later then what we had wanted... with probably 7-9cms down and the snow still falling. I head inside to find someone to help us up the hill with all of our stuff, as Natasha and Steph unload the Outback. It's pretty close to 9am by the time we get everything together and ready to go up the hill, so I head inside to do registration and Natasha and Steph head up the hill to set up. We end up having Martock locals, Wentworth locals and even two girls from PEI sign up for the clinic! With around 13 girls and 10cms of fresh snow the clinic kicks off with a bang! Wentworth hooked us up with a mini park right under the chair, where I spent the day announcing and dancing... oh yeah! And coaching, hehehe. The girls had 3 hits, the first was a sick little jump which then you could pick from a down box and an ollie on round rail. The girls rode amazingly, the stoke meter was bursting and the amount of new tricks those girls got in 2 hours was sick! The clinic wrapped up at 12 and then we broke for lunch for an hour, where girls could then register for the mini comp that started at 1pm! At 1pm, 7 girls were ready to throw it down and put their riding to the test. We had 4 girls in the advanced category and 3 in the beginner. The girls killed it.... front and back 1s on the jump, switch 180 on the down box 180 out, front boards on the tube rail and down box, some steezy presses on the box... along with boardslides and even some 3s over the jump! The competition wrapped up and everyone headed down the hill for the awards, I stayed up top and took our set up down with lots of help from Mel (park crew) and Mike (ski patrol)! Soon we had everything down the hill and back in the Outback... It was now time for some tree runs to end of the day! Knee deep pow in the trees at Wentworth made for an amazing few runs. We found a drop or two, a bridge and just had a blast. For sure my best day of shredding this season. Soon it was time to head to Truro to grab some supper at Pizza Delight and then head home. PLACINGS Beginner/Intermediate Category 1st: Krista G. 2nd: Isabelle A. 3rd: Erica C. Advanced Category: 1st: Christina R. 2nd: Charlotte B. 3rd: Alexe P. 4th: Zoe F. Von Zipper goggle draw winner: Alex P Best Bail: Zoe F Most Improved: Erica C A few more things before I let you go... FEAST tomorrow at MArtock! I better see you there!! Followed by Busted an all girls Slopestyle/Rail Jam on Sunday at Martock! Friday morning at 5am we hopped in Darcy's Jetta and hit the road from ol' Mount Uniacke... after stopping somewhere in NB for a gas up and some Mc Donalds (worst mcds ever... my egg was haggard and darcy's english muffin was burnt!) we finally made it to Sussex and discovered they don't salt roads.... Just sand.... So there was a few inches of hard packed snow on the road with a bunch of sand dumped on top of it... Apparently they don't know how to plow either! hahaha
We arrive at Poley mountain, stoked for the weekend! I go inside, get my lift ticket and head to the summit! I check out the park (super sketch, but it's only their temporary park so i'll let it slide haha), but I hit it anyway.... of course. After a few laps of the front side of the hill I got pretty bored of the hill and was bummed out.... until I discovered that Poley has a backside, which has the most comfortable chair lift I have ever sat on in my life. I fell in love with the backside, a tree run, some pretty sick drops and just better terrain. Turns out Darcy's kit box for the course is stuck at the post office... so she has to wing it all weekend... Soon it was time to head to the All Seasons motel and call it a night. For $59 a night for double occupancy, the rooms are very nice! But there's a catch.... I hope you don't get locked out of you room at 11:30pm at night... But we'll get into that later! Darcy and I decided to hit up Sobeys and buy a bunch of snacks. We of course stopped at the NBLC (or whatever it's called) and picked up two bottles of Baby Duck, then stopped at dollarama where we got ourselves some fancy glasses and I stocked up on toe warmers. We get back to the hotel.... and fall asleep. No word of a lie, We were stoked to watch Jersey Shore, but ended up just falling asleep. We wake up and got grab some breakfast at the restaurant at the All Seasons and head to Poley for day 2. I end up riding with a bunch of the current snowboard instructors at Poley all day two, giving them some riding tips etc. The day ends and Darcy and I are sitting enjoying a deep fried chocolate bar (yes, they exist and are delicious) when we get invited to come sit with a bunch of the Poley staff. We end up hanging out, I get to be part of my first ever shot ski and we got to listen to the lady sing her heart out on stage. It was awesome. Darcy and I head back to Sussex around 11 with all intentions of going to a local bar called the Thirsty Mule (with that name, who could resist really....)... we get to out hotel around 11:30 after a pit stop at Mc Donalds for some late night grub.... and our keys won't work. Not a big deal, so we go to the office to get them fixed. Turns out the person working the office leaves at 11pm every night and there's no one there until morning to help anyone if anything went wrong! So, we call the number that's listed for emergencies and the lady on the phone says she'll get a hold of someone and send them right over. Ten minutes goes by, no one shows up. Darcy calls back, apparently they can't get a hold of the people who run the motel! So Darcy and I sit in her car, freezing... waiting. 20 minutes goes by, 30... finally 45 minutes later someone shows up to help us! By this time, we're pretty bummed out and just end up going to sleep. We wake up, late. We throw all of our stuff in the car and Darcy heads to the front office to get the whole situation sorted out. Apparently they "couldn't do anything" so Darcy got the owners cards and off we go to Poley for our final day! The conditions were awesome, we discovered the glades on the front side of the hill and just had a good ending day at Poley. Darcy ends the course early because of the storm that was hitting NS and we hit the road. We're driving minding our own business. We get to an intersection and drive through... because it looks like we have the right of way... Darcy looks at me and says "were we suppose to have a stop sign?" the next thing I remember is Darcy yelling at me and trying to get the passengers side door of the car open. Turns out, we were suppose to have a stop sign... the stop sign was however blown off and buried in a snowbank.... not being from the area we had NO idea. Turns out we got t-boned by a van that was going at least 100, the car spun around 3 times and went down over a bank. I crawl out of the car, the whole back end of the jetta is destroyed. The trunk flew open so our stuff is scattered everywhere so I start to pick everything up. My board was across the road, Darcy's was up against a telephone pole... My brand new helmet got dented and coated in dill pickle popcorn seasoning... The paramedics finally arrive and I tell them my neck and shoulder were hurting. They backboard me (with the assistance of a ski patroller from Poley who came across the accident and stopped to help!!) and send Darcy and I off to the hospital by ambulance. After some x-rays on me and some tests on Darcy, we're cleared and the cops take us to the police station where all our stuff from the car is. Now we have to figure out where to go, what to do. Nova Scotia is being hit by a snowstorm, so we don't want anyone to risk driving to get us that night. So, while at the police station they show us the cells they have... it was pretty cool. The Poley snow school director comes and gets us (she had visited us at the hospital to make sure everything was okay!) and takes us to the Fairmont Hotel for the night. Mike, Darcy's boyfriend drives up the next morning to get us after getting a late night flight home from Toronto.. He was there for a boat show thing that had the System 2.0 set up for wakeboarders! We finally arrive back home safe and sound! Now that I'm done with my story! A few things y'all need to be updated on:
Hey girls!
The Joel Boylan benefit award camps were awesome! We had a great turn out, everyone had a blast and we even had a mini photo shoot during one of the camps! I'll post the pictures soon! I've been riding at Martock for the past week, living life not working... it's been a blast! Even with only one run and one box for the majority of the time, I still managed to have a lot of fun :) New tricks were stomped, helmets got cracked, goggle burns were acquired and many games of SHRED (mine and Dallas' version of skate or whatever you want to call it) were played! Stay tuned for some trick tips to be uploaded soon! If Dallas can ever take me serious enough when filming to not stand there and laugh at me while I'm trying to explain how to do a trick that is! There's a PUSH all girls snowboard camp going down on Sunday at Wentworth, I better see you there! We're going to get our shred on! Everyone have a safe and happy new years! ☮ ♥ shred Hey everyone, Merry Christmas! I hope Santa found everyone.. I know he found me with the forecast of 20-40cms of snow coming Sunday night.... hello real snow!!! Martock opened Thursday, I got out after work and had the best opening day ever!! Thanks to Rob at Entity I'm rocking a Ride OMG this season... which I have fallen absolutely in love with!! It's 7cms smaller then my old board and SO MUCH FUN! I rode with a few friends, met some new people and landed some sick tricks and pressed my snowboard like it was my job! Hahahaha, well I guess it kind of is ;) So a couple things you all need to be updated on!
☮ ♥ shred So the opening date for all east coast hills has been set back a few days with the huge storms and wave of warm weather that just swept through us! Crabbe is on top of the game though, they held Roast Beef Rail jam last weekend... which I have been told that NO GIRLS were in attendance! What's up with that..... all you New Brunswick jibbers, where you at! Crabbe is also holding another event this weekend called Rails for Restoration, which is to help out those who were damaged by the flooding that attacked NB! I'm hoping to make it up Saturday for it if all goes as planned!!If not, I hope that I do not get reports of no girls at this event! GET STOKED, winter is almost here!!
P.S. stay tuned for updates of team members trip to the Grand Prix in Colorado! ☮ ♥ shred |
March 2017