Park Days events are for ALL AGES. These events are a morning clinic in the PARK working to improve your skills with female coaches and then the afternoon, we have some fun challenges or competition for those interested. Cost is $40.00 and includes pizza lunch and a high quality t-shirt. Please email us with food allergies a week prior to the event ([email protected]).
Event Schedule: 10:15 AM - Meet outside near the ski racks. We'll have a box of tshirts and be looking for you. 10:30 - 12 PM - Clinic 12-1 PM - Lunch 1-2 pm - Fun competition & Prizes March 20th - Martock - Event registration is now closed. February 27th - Wentworth Snowboard: Register here (few spots left) Freestyle Ski: Two spots remaining - Register using the form at the bottom of the page. Event Price: $35.00 Includes a full day clinic with female coaches, a PIZZA PARTY LUNCH and prizes from our sponsors! Membership (CFSA OR Canada Snowboard) required but $20.00 one-day membership is available on-site for those looking to do just this one event this season. Cash or cheque accepted on-site. E-transfers to [email protected] accepted prior to the event start. Schedule: 9-10 AM - Check In/Registration (Main Lodge) 10:30 - 12pm CLINIC 12-1pm Pizza PARRRRTTTYYY 1:00 - 2:30 PM - Clinic continues & Prizes HOW TO REGISTER:
STEP 1; Go to (for Snowboarders) or (For Skiers) and purchase your general membership, this will give you the insurance you need to attend the clinic/contest and can also be used all season for any other Snowboard Nova Scotia/Freestyle Ski NS events OR Adrenaline Divas events. STEP 2: Fill out this form and let us know which event you would like to attend |
Thank you to our Club sponsors! |